
HID Lamps – My Light Bulb Moment

I bought this HID lamps used by horticulturists two weeks ago. My husband asked me where I will use it, and he hardly believed me when I said that I’ll use it for my draft-making project. It might sound incredulous, but it’s true. I am really thinking of using it when I am making my architectural drafts. The thing is, I really have poor eyesight, and I’ve tried using a lot of lights to make drawing my plans much easier for me. Nothing really worked for me. One day, my cousin and I went for a spin and I noticed her headlights. I asked her what it was, because the lights were very bright and crystal white. She told me they were HID lamps. Her husband gave it to her because she needed better headlights when she’s driving.

Suddenly, a light bulb went on. Why not use it when I’m drafting? So, I went on the internet and researched about it. I found out that HID lights used for cars are quite difficult to handle. However, there are other alternatives, such as the ones used by gardeners to grow plants. Seriously, they really use these lights to grow plants! How awesome is that, right? Well, anyway, I decided to go with it because their design was much more flexible to incorporate in my desk.

And what do I think of my new HID lamps?

There are moments when I’m really proud of my light bulb moments

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