
HID Car Lights – Cause of Women’s Fury?

There is a study made about gender reaction towards HID Car Lights, and it was observed that although male and female representations in the population of all respondents were the same, the females, in general, were found more glare-disturbed. Distributions of male and female respondents over age groups showed that among all night-driving and glare-disturbed respondents, 35 to 44 year old had the highest representation, with females taking up most of these portions.

I wonder what the reason behind this is. Perhaps, men have been blinded by all these HID car lights that there’s nothing left to complain about. Or is it because women have more hormonal imbalances than men? Perhaps women have more body fat, thus, their constant irritation towards their growing dress size are projected to the unlikely glare coming from the other driver? Or are women more sensitive to the environment, which explains why men need to be told that their rooms need to be cleaned immediately? Maybe that -- I really don’t know. It’s so hard to fathom the depths of a woman’s brain. You just can’t tell whether our PMS’s will succumb to HID car light irritation and annihilate everyone we see.



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